Amazon Seller Central

Streamlining inventory management flow

Improving navigation flows for

e-commerce sellers

Streamlining inventory management flow


UX/UI Design

Web Design

Design Brief

The project is is to streamline the inventory management process and experience for Amazon (FBA) sellers. Inventory management is the most used feature on the platform. This case study addresses challenges merchants face daily when trying to get their inventory under control and upkeep their account health to scale their store.


Fully customizable inventory management system

Chatbot AI assistant


2 weeks

Projected impact

Fewer clicks to completion

Increase Inventory Performance Index (IPI)

The old experience

Endless clicking back and forth

Amazon Seller Central is a very complex platform that encompasses hundreds of features and functions. As seen in the previous case study, our research found that many options and separate tabs was not actually helpful.

The problem

Urgent inventory matters are not obvious and merchants have to dig through multiple tabs (and their sub-tabs) to see specific inventory metrics and details.

The solution

Consolidate multiple functions into a customizable table view

The old experience had forward links and backlinks to help users go from page to page managing managing inventory. My design simplifies the layout and creates a more ergonomic feel and experience when filtering through inventory. This is achieved through custom columns.

The goal

How might we design for multitasking?

In order to help users accomplish two things at once, we have to design features that can do the multitasking for our users.

The design process

To approach a complex problem like inventory management, I first wanted to understand the rules and guidelines for inventory maintenance and account health.

The research

Users are looking outside of Amazon for help with Amazon

I researched several resources on how to manage your inventory (from Amazon and from individual consultants for Amazon Seller Central).

The internet is full of Amazon Seller Central advice coaches, forums, tutorials, and even paid consultants. A library of online guidebooks to inventory management is a sign to make our discoverability and learning experience easier to follow.

Cards to be used as nudges for way-finding

If users are leaving Amazon to look for guidance, and said guidance is giving them a rulebook to follow, why not design nudges as cards to help users understand their tools better?

There are a lot of hidden features that are only discoverable by open forum or blog post. We can correct this by adding seller tips and action cards relevant to the current workflow.

  • Seller tip

    Create a shortcut to quickly restock popular items in your inventory.

    Create a shortcut

    New on this page

    You can now filter your table view to organize your inventory the way you want to.

    Watch tutorial

    Seller tip

    Offering the lowest price for a product increases your chances of winning the Buy Box.

    Read more

    Promote with Coupons

    Merchandise your products with coupon badging.

    Create a coupon

Clean, dynamic, customizable table

My main goal for this table was readability. There is so much information to be known about your inventory. The old experience was very specific all the time. I designed a table view that can be as specific as the user wants while having some breathing room to actually read the information.

Breaking down the table into smaller pieces is easier to digest than everything all at once.

Preferences can be updated at any time for any goal

The best way to keep up with inventory is to have a powerful tool to update with your goals instantly. Columns are customizable to any product detail the user is filtering for. This allows for the user to compartmentalize, strategize, and focus on multiple details associated with any one goal.

Improving task flow first, AI for Q&A second

One of the areas of opportunity I discovered was the use of AI to be the in-house seller advice coach. Meet "Randy" (a play on Amazon's current AI venture, "Rufus"). Instead of clicking through a series pop-up windows once and then forgetting, Randy is a user's personal assistant to help with quick searches, new roadmapping, updates, and more.

The impact


Overwhelming inventory table view Slow and steep learning curve
Several clicks to one actoin


Simple but powerful table tool to manage inventory
Nudges for way-finding
AI assistant chatbot for Q&A
Fewer clicks for instant custom table view

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Created with matcha 🍵 and built with Framer

Tia-Marie Vo © 2023.